Short One this week

So this week we had our first play test. and it went rather well and we got a lot of feedback. So next week we will focus on fixing buggs for the beta that week. There will be a lott of work but we knew that wen we started this project.

Otherwise i have been working on a moss giant Ai that will make it walk and follow campfires and in the end help the player. Screenshot_1Att first i did not really work on a Ai structure but i ended up writing a state machine when it became complex in its behavior. We will se how much work will be put in this guy for now. Bug fixing what we got seems more important.

other than that thank you for reading this terrible blog.


Hello  this is the third week  And i have mostly been working on fixing errors in code and helping my dear leveldesigner when the characters ar bugging out. Something nice to look at is the life bond i have been working on. This is the health bar for the players and it stretches when the players move away from each others and contract when closer.

Life bond

Its in the early stages so it doesn’t look that good right now but it will improve whit time. Also this week was the camera for the game. it was designed for following the players. But its not much too look at or from.

other than that here is a gif of the life bond.


Thank you for reading this horrible blog.

Rays for Days at the pool

New Project and new things to learn. Over all i will be keeping these bloggs short.

What i have been doing this week is to make movement script for a character in Unity(5.3.4f1). This Peculiar character will walk along walls and alls have the ability to pick up blocks and flip to a platform above it if it exist there. To make this happen i used ray casting in unity and in a total of five rays for this character. Two Downwards relative to the character that then get the surface normal  of the underlying material. They then take this normal and average it from the two rays. Then we rotate the characters up normal vector to be equal to the surface normal. apply a little force in the opposite direction and we have a character that stays along the ground and rotated to the normal. Other rays ar for checking blocks that are Liftable. Also if their is a platform above close enough to flip to.

TerraRaysForDaysThis is the character and he rays are temporary visible so it can be debugged.

Another thing this week was the Water cube i added this is made of old premium assets that came whit unity. It dos not have any code for lifting other objects or Viscosity or the like but it looks pretty cool.



Thank you for reading this broken English.